Podcast Advertising

Advertising in music podcasts or sponsorship and advertising in the social media pages of music podcasts

The published contents of the publishing project FOLDEN Internet Portfolio not only include reports on online media, but also original multimedia content itself.

Since 2006, podcasts of the electro genre have been published on the traex.de homepage and have been distributed on the social web. It is distributed via its own presences in the major social media networks, various networks specialized in music and in special podcast directories. These forms of distribution increase the range, but due to the various systems and because the podcasts can be further divided can be made only a poor statement about the actual range. In any case, podcasts are currently extremely popular.

The placement of advertising in a podcast can be done either by integrating an audio file or by delivering a text, which is then spoken to. Alternatively, banner advertising in the social media pages of podcasts or sponsoring is possible. The fee for the integration of audio advertising currently amounts to a flat rate of 100.- Euro.

For questions and interest in podcast advertising or placement of advertising in the social media pages, please contact us.

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