Investment Opportunity

Venture capital request, cooperation and domain trading

The time has come to invest in content, no more in simple websites. This statement belongs here, because the FOLDEN Internet Portfolio looks back on its own history until 1999. Accordingly, less an investment in the existing pages but in concepts that can use these pages as a profound foundation is requested. Nevertheless, the pages have their own value, for any cooperation or buyers of the domains. Because long existing, early registered domains affect the search engine optimization. In addition, the early start of the project enabled the registration of generic domain names. If you have any idea for a cooperation or interest in buying a domain, please contact us.

Venture capital request and investment or cooperation

Currently, investors or partners are being sought for two concrete projects. One is in the booming Internet video space and the other is a podcasting project, which is being developed as an online label and pr service.

  • Internet Video Projekt: Webserien Produktion und Video Services
    • Gegenstand: Aufbau und Produktion von Infotainment Inhalten in kulturellen Bereichen mit Perspektive Multi Channel Network
    • Status: Fertiges Konzept, Pitch Deck vorhanden
    • Gesuch: Seed Investoren
  • Online Label und PR Service für Elektronische Musik
    • Gegenstand: Ausbau der Podcast und Musik Download Seite Traex zum Online Label und PR Service für die Electro Music Szene
    • Status: Etablierte Webseite mit Downloads und Podcasts sowie Verbreitung im Social Web und Podcast Verzeichnissen.
    • Gesuch: Seed Investoren, PR Partner, DJ’s und Musiker

If interested, please contact us.

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