Directory Submissions

Directory submissions, link integration and link exchange

The directories of the FOLDEN Internet Portfolio are editorially updated at irregular intervals after observing current trends. Depending on the business model, the integration of links happen via partner programs or purely editorial. In general, not all offers, innovations or trends can be considered. If you have an offer, which should be included in one of the services, this can be done against payment or by link exchange, if both sides are interested.

Paid Integration costs a one time fee of 40.- US Dollars.

For the integration at several homepages with the same or similar topic like b2b, entertainment etc. an individual bundle may become offered. Please contact without obligation. Conditions on integration and contact information follow below. Too, use the contact details below regarding link exchanges.

An overview of all homepages is available at the Start. Below the most important english spoken sites are listed.

FOLDEN – Internet Marketing and Media
TRAEXS – Online Music and Entertainment

Terms for Paid Directory Submissions

The amount for the integration of links into a related internet directory site in one or exceptional more rubrics is 40.- US Dollars and happens within 48 hours, if required information is available. The durance of integration is unlimited. Precondition for integration is the relevance to a topic included at one of the services. The topic, where the integration should happen may become choosen or suggested. Choosen topics need to become approved.

The integration ends, if the topic of one of the services has changed and became irrelevant to the other. Integration do end, too, if one of the services has become terminated. At the point of integration on the side of the provider of the FOLDEN Internet Portfolio neither the termination of a relevant service is planned nor should this happen to a relevant topic.In the case that within three month after integration because of general changes of the development at the internet a rubric and its topic have become irrelevant to a service and need to be deleted the paid amount may become refunded, if the customer asked to do so.

In the case that a particular service becomes sold, the customer will get back a proportional part of the paid amount. If deletion of a rubric happens after three month of the integration, there will no refund. No refund does also happen, if the deletion of a link is required by law.

Contact and Payments

If you are interested, please use the contact information below. Name the internet address of the service and, if choosen, a desired rubric and if necessary a billing address. If required, you will get a bill. Elsewise payments by PayPal are preferred. By answer you will be informed about the feasibility of an integration. If the negotiation has been successful, the integration will happen within 48 hours.

Email: service (at)
Please copy FOLDEN-Internet-Portfolio-Directory-Submission into the subject line and write @ for (at).

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